Kundalini Arts

NEXT Kundalini Activation Training in Mallorca | December 12-17

Become a facilitator

Kundalini Arts Training

This is an intensive training devoted to developing your energetic mastery and becoming a Kundalini Facilitator. This is a process where you will focus on the embodiment of kundalini, developing your connection to the energy, and cultivating your intuitive gifts.

step into your purpose &

Become a Kundalini Facilitator

This is an intensive online Kundalini Activation training devoted to developing your energetic mastery and becoming a Kundalini Facilitator. This is a process where you will focus on the embodiment of kundalini, developing your connection to the energy, and cultivating your intuitive gifts.

Featured in:

Yoga trade Logo
Om Yoga Magazine
Onzie Logo

This goes beyond solely energetic activation

Education, Mentorship, & Embodiment

Activating the energy is only one piece of the puzzle. During this training, you will mentored in many ways to work with and explore the energy. You will have throuough education and support to develop your unique expression of this work. You will leave this training feeling confident in your energetic talents and be able to facilitate Kundalini Activation sessions. 

watch the Kundalini arts intro Video ↓


Starting last week of January 2024

continuing for 6 consecutive weeks


Calls will be 90 mins on Wednesday or Sunday. Exact time will be based on group’s availability.


3200 € 

payment plans available

to be facilitator of the upmost quality

There are 4 Parts of this Training

Content Portal

Every Monday there will be new prerecorded to content accessible to you. Plan for 90 mins of study time every week.

Weekly Classes

This will be a 90 min session each week to go over the curriculum,  ask questions, and practice. 

Online Retreat

There will be a 3 day online retreat to strengthen your transmission abilities and practice sessions. 

Kundalini Activations

You will be given a booking code to attend 10 online Kundalini Activations. 


"One of the most significant experiences of my life"

The Kundalini Arts facilitator training has been training has been a mental, spiritual, physical and emotional journey to the deep layers of myself, a journey to my own wounds, shadows, my own authentic self. A journey deep into love, deep into one’s own gifts and abilities.

Colleen’s deep, authentic and experiential knowledge of kundalini and her commitment to teaching this to others was very meaningful to me. She is like an angel and does this work under conditions of high values and honesty. I wholeheartedly recommend this training.


This is for you if...

You’re not looking for a quick fix training. You have probably taken plenty of workshops and programs which have taught you the value of taking well crafted trainings from an experienced teacher that embodies their work.

You have always felt you have something special to share with this world and leave your impact and you know you need help unraveling to step into your purpose. 

You feel the nudge more and more to come out of the spiritual closet and you need a community to lift you up and cheer you on for being authentically you. 

You need help fully stepping into yourself and coming into your own empowerment. You already have a feeling this work is going to help you get there.

Kundalini Embodiment

The truth is you can only take people as deep as you have gone when offering transformative experiences. Embodiment is the key piece that is needed to become an incredible facilitator. There needs to be a mastery of your own energetic body developed before working on another.



"Kundalini Activation is Now My Full Time Job"

I participated in Colleen’s Kundalini Arts facilitator training. I knew it would be good, but the training exceeded all my expectations. I would never have believed that I could learn so much in 8 weeks and learn to do activations. But that’s exactly what happened.

I’ve been on my spiritual journey for 15 years, the last 3 years very intensively. This training was a major turning point. My Kundalini opened up in a completely new way, and my connection to Shakti is alive and constantly present. Through this, I found my life’s purpose and decided to step onto that path bravely. I recommend this training from the bottom of my heart.


Connection to Kundalini

The most empowering way to work with Kundalini is to be given the tools to cultivate a relationship with it. Your energetic abilities do not rely on the transmission or initiation of someone else. Although this is a popular belief, it is not true. There are no gatekeepers between you and divinity.

You will receive an intensive amount of energy work throughout the program to help you foster the connection with Kundalini and how it wants to work through you.



"Found My Missing Puzzle Piece"

I first met Colleen in Thailand and went to her workshop because I loved her energy and I had learned a lot from her instagram. I had already been interested in energy for 2 years and that first session with her was life changing for me. This felt like I found the missing piece of the puzzle.  I knew instantly I had to train with her.

I didn’t understand why her program was much longer than others but now I see how important it was to take the time to develop and get to know myself. I can’t imagine doing it any other way. If you’re thinking of doing it I would say go for it full on into your dream and follow your heart. Thank you Colleen for changing my life.

— Alexandra Hutarov | Slovakia

Cultivating Your Intuitive Gifts

In this portion, you will receive different modules each week to further your education and mentorship as you begin your journey as a facilitator.


Colleen is the best mentor I ever had

"Lasting Transformation Beyond the Time in Training"

The Kundalini Arts Facilitator Training has been nothing short of life-altering. It created a long lasting transformation that continues to evolve and enrich every facet of my existence long after the program’s end.

My daily life is now infused with a depth and clarity that I never imagined possible. While the journey has been challenging at times, every moment has been undeniably worth it.

The training’s supportive and nurturing environment provided a sanctuary of safety and acceptance, allowing me to fully embrace and process the profound changes occurring within me.

Meeting Colleen was a pivotal moment in my life. Her guidance and wisdom have been a beacon of light on my path, she is the best mentor I have ever ha. She offered such deep insight, unwavering support, and genuine care.


Meet Your Trainer

Colleen Grady

Colleen is a master of Kundalini and at the same time forever an eager student. She has studied many modalities, lineages, and practices of Kundalini far beyond solely Kundalini Activation. This exploration has taken her all around the world living and teaching for 6 years in spiritual centers of India, Bali, and Thailand.

Previously featured in many international Yoga magazines, she is an 850 HR yoga teacher studying Tantric Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. This foundational understanding of the body is highly influenced by the practices and wisdom shared in her Kundalini teachings.

She has worked under many well-known masters within the field and spent 90 consecutive days in a Shaktipat Ashram. These informal apprenticeships have given her insight into what is missing from the Kundalini space and what is needed to cultivate others into being the most empowered facilitators they can be.

So much room for expansion

"Ready to Start My Next Chapter with Kundalini"

Colleen’s Kundalini Arts Facilitator training was truly such a transformational experience. Her style of teaching leaves room for so much expansion, as she provides the tools and support to let her students make their own way.

Every single week I looked forward to taking class, as each week I not only learned more about Kundalini but I learned more about myself. I left the experience energized and excited to move into the next chapter of my work with Kundalini. I highly recommend taking a course, immersion or a private with Colleen and experiencing her knowledge and expertise.


Empowered Me to Step Out of Comfort zone

"Confidently Offering Energy Work"

This was a truly transformational experience. Colleen exceeded every expectation I had for a teacher—her depth of experience, clarity, and ability to convey complex information in an accessible way were remarkable. 

She delivered a lot of knowledge while also providing additional resources for our continued exploration and energetic growth. 

Colleen maintained an ideal balance between warmth and professionalism, blending textbook information with invaluable personal insights. 

Thanks to this training, I now feel empowered to step out of my comfort zone and confidently work with energy, both for myself and with others. Thank you, Colleen, for being such an inspiration!



Starting last week of January 2024

continuing for 6 consecutive weeks


Calls will be 90 mins on Wednesday or Sunday. Exact time will be based on group availability.


3200 € 

payment plans available

Training FAQs

These are some of the most common questions. If you have questions that are not listed below please reach out.

You will walk away from this training having the confidence and skill set to facilitate Kundalini Activations, whether that be in person or online.

This program will be a launching pad that offers you tangible ways to continue building upon your intuitive gifts and Kundalini development, even years after the program is complete.

Yes. Energy work is not limited to time and space. If you are reading this you probably have done a session with me already online so you know it is just as potent. Personally, I prefer it, as my energy work career has been built from offering sessions in this way.

This longer process is safer and more comprehensive. Learning to work in the subtle realms is not something that can be deeply understood in just a week of training. It is important to allow the teachings in this course to be thoroughly digested and practiced before moving between modules.


Each week you will have the opportunity to explore the teachings and then come back with questions and conversations to support your development. Additionally, your body has more time to open and attune to the energy versus the module of trying to electrify your system to hold more energy over just a few days.

There will be practicums in this course where you will be practicing with a partner of your choice both in person and online. You will get personalized guidance and feedback throughout your practice sessions so you get the most educational value throughout this process.

There will be new content accessible to you on the portal. Each week we will meet live for a 90 minute session.  Then you have the option to join an online Kundalini Activation session every week. 

There needs to be a level of energetic sensitivity built before joining this program. You need to have experienced at least 10 kundalini sessions before taking this training. There will be a requirement to do a private session with me or join the immersion that will run through the month of February. These weekly activations will help prepare your body for this process.

This program will bring something very new to the Kundalini facilitator training landscape. Even if you are experienced in other modalities you will learn many new tools and techniques to improve your sessions and most importantly you will learn how to embody the energy.

There are no scholarships or discounts at this time yet there are payment plans available.

Yes, there is still an Kundalini Activation Facilitator training. VIEW IT HERE